Monday, March 2, 2009

No Offense Intended

Being one who is prone to questions involving evolution and biology, I have always been curious as to the biological imperative for homosexuality. I am no racist, sexist, or xenophobe; I merely wish to understand the answers to some questions: 1) has homosexuality always been around, much in the same way our gender is fully dependent upon how far we mature through our fetal stages and thus better represented as a spectrum?, and, if not, 2) what caused the advent of homosexuality?

There is some interesting research here, more than I could even begin to read, so instead I will post 2 theories as to what may or may not be true and let the scientists and fanatics battle it out.

Theory 1: As I said above, I believe gender to be a spectrum, liable to the path a fetus follows in its development, which is why some members of society are born and declared to be male only to desire to become females later in life, or vice versa.

From there, it should follow that sexual desires would be liable to the same spectrum. As such, it is to be believed that homosexuality or bisexuality has always been present within human society. The ancient Greeks, for example, often held relationships of male teacher/male student that would, by today’s standards are considered pederasty.

The reason for an apparent increase in homosexuality, therefore, can be linked to the increasing acceptance and decreasing homophobia in society.

Theory 2: In the era we live in, moms give birth to octuplets despite already having 6 other children, adoption agencies flourish both around the nation and internationally, and countries are being pushed to their population limits. Higher populations can sometimes lead to higher instances of famine, disease, drought, and crime, just to name a few issues.

Would it be unheard of for nature to evolve a portion of humans to a state of non-breeders (either by choice or inclination) as a means of handling overcrowding and under-supplied resources?

Theory 2 does not imply that the human race is evolving to homosexuality; evolution is not moving towards a goal or some next step. Evolution itself is a mechanism species utilize to cope with resources. What Theory 2 is suggesting is that land space, food, and water, in our current state, are quickly diminishing and nature may be coping by biologically upping the odds for homosexuality.

Personally, my beliefs land me squarely with my first theory, but Theory 2 is interesting to think about, albeit possibly upsetting to some people. Again, I mean no offense nor do I mean to suggest homosexuality is an evolved coping mechanism for the human race. It is merely interesting to entertain views different from my own.

1 comment:

  1. I was recently talking to a lesbian friend of mine about this, and she agreed with me that homosexuality is very likely an evolutionary response to deal with overpopulation. There is strong evidence for a genetic component, if there is a genetic component that most likely is the evolutionary root of it.
